Dexia Securities Services NV - Amsterdam bedrijven gids Nederland en België



Amsterdam bedrijven gids Nederland

Amsterdam bedrijven gids Nederland

Naam bedrijf: Dexia Securities Services NV

Adres: Beethovenstraat 300
Postcode: 1077 WZ
Plaatsnaam: Amsterdam
Tel: 020-3489000
Fax: 020-3489089

Bedrijfsprofiel: Dexia Fund Services is a specialist provider of global custody, trustee and administrative services to a wide array of fund promoters, asset managers and institutional accounts in a number of financial centres. Our mission is to harness our expertise in the funds business and our international expertise and utilise this to underpin our strategy to offer our clients a top rate service, by offering innovative solutions through long-term partnerships based on transparency and ethical business practices.


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